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Explore through Movement and Play in Nature

Alex Lunde
Oct 30, 2023

Movement and play help keep our children active and healthy while aiding in meeting developmental milestones. Learning to use their bodies is essential for long term success. Nature itself is a powerful teacher that will help their strength, coordination and fine and gross motor skills. The open-ended learning that is available to children out in nature is so valuable. Playing is frequently just kids navigating and problem-solving the world around them. 

For Infants (0-12 Months):

Moving your usual movement activities outside is a great way to embrace nature. If your baby does tummy time, try doing this outside on a blanket. Allow them to explore the grass and plants around them. Use objects to play search and find. Mix in natural objects with their favorite toys to spark their interest. All of these add another interesting element to their normal schedules to learn and develop more from. Listening to birds, smelling flowers, and gazing at the clouds are many new experiences that infants can't get inside. All of these empower infants to continue to learn and develop with these new experiences.

For Toddlers (12-36 Months):

For toddlers, allow them to enhance their problem solving skills through movement. One way you can do this is by making a simple obstacle course! Whether it is in your yard, neighborhood park, or other natural area, take a few natural materials like sticks and rocks and create an obstacle course. Allow your child to problem-solve their way through this course. They may make mistakes, but that is ok! Uneven terrain of natural spaces can help increase coordination and strength, both mentally and physically. For older toddlers, you may want to try allowing them to climb on small rocks and logs, as their strength, balance and coordination allow. These types of small challenges continue to improve their physicality, but will also improve their confidence as they continue to challenge themselves with your support.

Another method for engaging in movement and play is taking a walk, allowing your toddler to set the pace. Watch them stop to examine rocks, bugs, or plants. The action of gently picking up small objects helps hone their fine motor skills. Talk to them about what they see, get them to put words to their thoughts, reasons to their actions, experiences to their memories. 

If you are looking for a good bridge from the built environment to the woods to explore nature with your toddler, nature playscapes are a great spot to help build your toddler’s comfort and confidence in nature. At Severson Dells, there is The Grove , but if you are traveling Nature Explore has a comprehensive list of certified nature playgrounds for you to venture to. 

Allowing your child to explore nature through movement and play will help them flourish, both mentally and physically. Have fun and enjoy all the benefits that you will reap from time outside with your child!


By jillian.americorps 16 May, 2024
In celebration with the upcoming Endangered Species Day (May 17) and World Bee Day (May 20), we're re-introducing the following blog post that was originally posted by Jillian Neece on May 19, 2021.
By jillian.americorps 09 May, 2024
The wait is finally over! After seventeen years, cicadas of the Northern Illinois brood (Brood XIII) will be emerging from their time underground to reproduce and complete their life cycles. The last time these bugs emerged was in 2007, and after this summer, they won’t be back again until 2041. I saw cicadas last year. What makes this year so special? Well, there are two different types of cicadas in our area: annual and periodical cicadas. Annual cicadas, also called “dog days” cicadas, emerge every year during the height of summer. These species have a life cycle that lasts between two and five years, but their development is staggered so that some individuals emerge from the ground each year to mate, while others continue maturing underground. The periodical cicadas that will emerge this spring have a much longer life cycle- one of the longest life cycles of any insect- with some species developing on a 13 year cycle and others on a 17 year cycle. Instead of staggering their development so that some bugs emerge each year, periodical cicada species all emerge together. This means that every time a periodical cicada brood emerges, we can expect hundreds of thousands of them to crawl out of their home in the soil and gather on trees and shrubs to look for a mate. We will still get the annual cicadas appearing in the late summer as they do every year, but this year we will also experience the emergence of the 17-year periodical cicadas. Why are the brood emergences so spread out? Most researchers think their life cycles are so long in order to avoid predators. When the entire species emerges at once, there are simply too many cicadas for their predators to eat. One study suggested that up to 1.5 million cicadas can emerge in a single acre! Not only will their predators have “forgotten '' that they exist since multiple generations of predators will have occurred without any cicadas emerging, the sheer number of insects overwhelms the predators and decreases the odds of any individual bug being eaten.
By education2.americorps 02 May, 2024
With spring in full swing, we will soon have our full repertoire of avian species present in Winnebago. So between our migrant species and those whom we share a home with all year, we will have a plethora of sightings with this I want to bring your attention to a selection of species of both varieties. Mallard - Anas platyrhynchos
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